Crestwood is going to Tanzania!

Lions and Tigers and Maasai Warriors, oh my! Crestwood is excited to once again be partnering with the We organization (formally Me to We) to journey to Tanzania and bring an incredible travel, educational and service opportunity to our students. Following the success of our previous trips to Ecuador and Nicaragua, Crestwood is expanding our global citizen education in the communities of Tanzania, Africa.

Crestwood Preparatory College and We share similar goals- we aim to inspire youth to play an active role in their local and global communities and to provide an opportunity for students to further develop their leadership potential in a safe and experiential atmosphere.

There will be a Parents Information Meeting with the trip leaders and coordinators, including our representative from We, on Thursday, September 22, at 5pm in the Learning Commons.

Trip Highlights:

The trip will take place March Break 2017 (March 9th-20th)

Available to all students in grades 10-12

Experience, learn from and work with other cultures

Earn community service hours

Parent information night is September 22nd at 5pm in the Learning Commons

Contact Ms. McCourt (, Ms. Postma (, or Mr. Wan ( for more information