Final Examination Details

Final Examination Details

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Final Examinations begin on Friday, June 2, 2017.  The last day of exams will be on Tuesday, June 13, 2017.

Here are a list of some general reminders:

  • Morning exams begin at 9:00 am and afternoon exams begin at 1:00 pm
  • Students should be at their exam location 15 minutes prior to the exam start time as attendance will be taken
  • Grade 7 – 10 exams are 1.5 hours in length and Gr 11 & 12 exams are 2 hours
  • Students receiving accommodations such as Extra time and Use of a Computer will still receive these on the exams and will be writing their exams in a specific location
  • Students receiving Extra time accommodations will have an additional 45 minutes for Grades 7 – 10 and additional 1 hour for students in Grades 11 & 12
  • Students should check the screen in the main lobby to find out their writing location each day
  • Students should bring all writing materials, calculators etc in a clear zip lock bag (no pencil cases)
  • Students are to be in proper summer uniform including shoes in order to be able to write their exam
  • Following your exam, you are asked to quietly leave the school as other classmates may still be writing their exam.
  • Students are not expected to be at school unless they are writing an exam that day
  • If you have misplaced your personalized exam schedule you can download a general schedule from the Documents page of the website 