Grade 9 Spirit Point

On Monday, the grade 9s traveled to Spirit Point Adventure Camp, located three and a half hours north of Toronto, near the border of Algonquin Park. There, students completed several team building activities, climbed a rock wall, canoed, and spent a night camping on the edge of beautiful Hinsberger Lake. This experience allowed students to gain an essential component of their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. The bus was filled with nervous energy as it pulled away from Crestwood, but the Grade 9s confronted what faced them with great courage.
The girls took to the campgrounds first, spending the night camping in tents, while back at camp, the boys built rafts, jetted up rock walls, paddled in the beautiful lake, played intense games of manhunt and roasted marshmallows over the campfire. Day one was a success.
When the girls arrived back at camp the next day, they were excited to fill the boys in on their adventures from the bush. It wasn’t long until it was the boys’ turn to hike out into the woods, leaving behind the comforts of camp for themselves. The girls spent the day at camp and had the opportunity to participate in some great camp-based activities.
The students had fun, made new friends, learned about camping and– most significantly–worked as a team. What a great second week of Grade 9!

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