Compassion and Mental Health

You may be familiar with the #BellLetsTalk campaign, Bell’s annual initiative to raise awareness and increase acceptance of mental illness. We recognize that conversations about mental health and wellbeing should not start and end with the Bell Let’s Talk movement. This month, our character education topic at Crestwood is compassion. We have put together a collection of talking points and resources outlining some ways that we can give ourselves and others compassion while seeking good mental health. The more we encourage ourselves and others to be open and honest about mental health and well-being, the more we can normalize this need for support and help remove the stigma around mental illness.
In the upcoming weeks, students and staff will participate in conversations and activities about our mental health and Bell Let’s Talk initiatives. Follow our activities on Crestwood’s social media accounts, and see the Edsby River for more information.
Families, if you would like to continue the conversation at home, feel free to check out the resources and conversation starters that we will be engaging with this week: January’s Character Education – Compassion and Mental Health Slideshow