Bob Young was born on October 29, 1924, on Pittsburgh’s south side. He grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression, and he remembers that it was a difficult time, and that the family made do with hunting game, as well as occasional scraps Bob’s father would bring home from work. Bob attended school […]
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Jack Zavitz was born June 18, 1924 in Windsor, Ontario. He grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression and the early part of the war, and when he finished high school he found himself in the RCAF, where he was pegged as a mechanic and trained for ground crew duty. Jack spent time […]
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Jim Bays was born January 20, 1918. He grew up in the Christie Pitts neighborhood in Toronto, where he attended Central Tech. Jim grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression, so he and his friends made do, playing soccer and softball, and helping their parents where they could. When the war came, Jim […]
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Hilbert Margol was born February 22, 1924, just ten minutes before his twin brother Howard, in Jacksonville, Florida. Their father had immigrated from Lithuania not too long before, as had their mother. The boys grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression, learning about the war that seemed to be happening a world away. […]
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3A travelled back in time to learn more about Life in Upper Canada in the 1800’s. We participated in a virtual field trip to Black Creek Pioneer Village. Together, we discussed the everyday lives and challenges of different communities that lived and worked in 19th century Ontario. We reviewed early settler food, clothing, education, recreation […]
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To begin the week, we had an exciting author visit from Lisa Graff! On Monday, May 3rd, students from grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 logged onto a ZOOM webinar with Ms. Bafaro and Lisa Graff. Ms. Bafaro had read Lisa Graff’s books to her classes, such as Absolutely Almost, The Thing About Georgie, […]
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Dear Parents, The first week of May brought us lots to be excited about! Our week was capped off with a fun themed spirit day. We loved seeing all the creativity and enthusiasm each class brought to their chosen theme. Way to go! As we settle into remote learning, we continue to find ways […]
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Attention Grade 3 to 6 families! Crestwood School is hosting a virtual author visit with award winning author Lisa Graff on Monday, May 3 at 9:30am. We have been reading her books in library class for many months and are really excited about this visit. We have always had Canadian writers come into our school, […]
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Noel Funge was born December 26, 1929 in Melbourne, Australia. He grew up against the backdrop of the 1930s economic crisis, where he was fortunate to win a scholarship to an elite school. He also grew up during World War Two, when Australia was under severe threat from Japan; as such Noel completed his military […]
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Raymond Goulet was born January 14, 1923 in Lawrence, Massachusetts. His parents were French-Canadian, so Ray and his brothers grew up speaking French and English, and attending Catholic schools, all against the backdrop of the Great Depression. When the war came, Ray chose to volunteer, while his two brothers were drafted. He went through basic […]
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Albert Card was born March 12, 1924 in Hastings, England. He grew up there in a big family, and Bert remembers they did well even during the Depression, because of his father’s food allotment. Life in Hastings was good: Bert grew up on the beach, going to school, playing sports – all the normal things. […]
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CPC students have spent this year actively finding ways to support those who have been affected by the pandemic. At the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, our community donated over 500 lunches to thank frontline healthcare workers at four different hospitals across the city. Following the second shutdown, our Grade 7-12 students began […]
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Dear Parents, We are thrilled to report the students came back from the long weekend feeling refreshed and ready to learn! Despite the lost hour of sleep on Sunday, we had a great week of growing and learning. We had our 1st ever St. Patrick’s Day celebration on Wednesday! It was a blast seeing […]
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Bud Anderson hails from northern California, where he was born January 13, 1922 and grew up on a farm in the little town of Auburn, relatively insulated from the effects of the Great Depression. Always interested in flying, Bud attended junior college and took on a job at the Sacramento Air Depot, and he was […]
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Gordon B. Smith was born in the east end of Toronto on February 25th, 1924. He attended Eastern Commerce, but left to enter the workforce before graduating. When the war came, Gord was eager to follow his older brother’s example, and joined up right as soon as he was able. He spent a year doing […]
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Roland Glenn was born June 5, 1924; he grew up in small town Pennsylvania, against the backdrop of the Great Depression. He recalls a good childhood, where his family raised him with love and positive energy, in a time when that was in short supply for many Americans. His father and grandfather had instilled him […]
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Pete Sayers was born January 9, 1933; he grew up on Canada’s west coast, in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Pete remembers growing up in a time of war, watching the soldiers practice live fire exercises, and he also remembers the internment of Japanese-Canadian neighbours as wartime paranoia grew. Blackouts and the reality of total war were […]
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Bill Fraser hails from New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, where he was born in 1940. His father and uncles served in the Second World War, and Bill would follow them into the service, albeit in a very different time. Bill was part of the Canadian Forces during the Cold War; he joined the RCAF out of […]
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On Tuesday, Kenneth Oppel came to visit all of Grade Six on a Zoom webinar. He is the author of many books including The Boundless, Half Brother, and Silverwing, the book about a bat named Shade that everyone in Grade Six reads. Mr. Oppel talked about his inspiration for Silverwing and the bat characters […]
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We had a waddle of a week learning about penguins! They are fascinating birds. Our Kindergarten ZOOM room was filled with penguin songs, crafts, literacy and numeracy activities. See if you can solve Hudson’s penguin joke. What do penguins like to eat? A: Icebergers –Julie Fox & Carly Hebscher […]
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George Brewster was born April 5, 1923. He grew up in New Brunswick, the son of a Great War veteran who had enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps. After the war his father worked for the railroad, managing to keep food on the table even during the difficult days of the Great Depression, a time […]
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Alex Polowin’s official birthday is April 15, 1924 – but it was really May 15, 1925. That’s because like many young Canadian men he was anxious to go to war, and since he was born in Europe the official records had been lost. So with the help of a lawyer, Alex filed his new birthdate, […]
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Three months into the school year and our new drop off and pick up routine seems to be running smoothly. The majority of parents and guardians are to be commended for diligently following the school’s procedures and showing courtesy and patience, particularly during the busy pick-up times. Zone 2 Drop off in AM The drop-off area […]
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Tigers love water because it helps them cool down when they are hot. Max, R Sharks have fins and they use them to break tiny pieces of coral. Cosimo Frogs have webbed feet to swim really fast in water. Aaron The black mamba can grow up to 2.97 meters long. Sebastian The polar bear […]
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Bill Wilson was born in Winnipeg on November 5, 1924 to Scottish parents Thomas and Marion Wilson. Bill was 14 when the Second World War began and he planned to follow in his father‘s footsteps as he had served in the First World War. When Bill couldn’t get a place with the Highlanders cadet corps […]
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Crestwood School is a nut-free environment. As some of you may be aware, there are children in our school who are allergic to peanuts, pine nuts, tree nuts, and other kinds of nuts. This allergy can cause an anaphylactic reaction – meaning the airway can close up and cause breathing to stop. Given that […]
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Ron Goldstein was born August 16, 1923 , in London, England. His parents, looking to escape the anti-Semitism and lack of opportunity, had immigrated to England from Poland in the years before the Great War. They went on to raise a large family, and Ron was the 10th in a family of 11. Ron left […]
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Welcome back everyone! And a very warm welcome to all of our new families! The anticipation is finally over!!! It was so wonderful to see all the students on the first day of school; seeing the smiling faces, smelling the lunches, and hearing the children’s laughter warmed our hearts! We would like to take […]
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Dear Crestwood Preparatory College Community: I hope this communication finds you all well. Teachers have reported for duty and are preparing for the start of school next week. Despite the obvious concerns before us, I am very confident that we will provide the usual high standards in academic program delivery as well as keep our […]
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Rae Lunn was born March 29, 1920, on a farm outside of Edmonton, Alberta. He grew up during the difficult years of the Great Depression; he remembers that his family was fairly self-sufficient, but he wanted to help, so he left school early to work at another farm. War clouds were forming in Europe during […]
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