Dear Crestwood Families, I am writing to let you know about an incredible event! Run, Walk, Wheel & Roll (RWWR) is an annual event in support of THREE TO BE. Organized by grade 6 teacher Dani Seligman, RWWR enables children of all ages and ALL abilities to participate in a day of physical activities, entertainment, great food […]
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This week award-winning author Liam O’Donnell visited with the Grades 3 and 4 classes. He showed us how writers and illustrators team up to turn ideas into full colour graphic novels. Drawing on his newest mystery series, Tank & Fizz, Liam shared a hands-on look at the scripts and sketches writers and illustrators create before moving […]
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What a week in sports! Click for pictures, recaps, and the sports schedule. U14 Boys Rugby Congratulations to the U14 Rugby team who continued their strong start to the season in Wednesday’s 7aside rugby tournament. Led by the combined play of Adam Bounsall, Jonas Weissland, Callum Braund and Jacob Hanning, the boys were victorious against […]
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See pictures and read more about the Me to We trip to Ecuador, written by Grade 12 student, Marina Morris. On March 11th, some of Crestwood’s students woke up in the early morning and headed to Pearson Airport to begin their Me to We journey to Ecuador. It was a long day, filled with flights […]
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The week of January 18th to 22nd will be Crestwood’s Spirit Week. This is a fun-filled week with lots of exciting school spirit activities. We will be having staff versus student games, assemblies, theme days, raffles, and fundraising efforts. Students will be permitted to wear “street clothes” all week providing they participate in the theme for the […]
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Phil Harmon is an American veteran of the Second World War from Maine, where he presently lives in the town of Hollis. Originally from the Cape Elizabeth area, Phil grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression, though his family was fortunate to be spared many of its most negative impacts. By 1939, as […]
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This week the Senior Girls’ Volleyball team took on Trafalgar Castle. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts they weren’t able to overcome the strong offence that Trafalgar attacked them with, losing 25-21, 25-13, and 25-19. Highlights of the match included phenomenal serving by Marina Morris and Rachael Pape who had a handful of aces each, and […]
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Crestwood’s beginner and novice curlers headed to Toronto Cricket Club for the CISAA’s annual funspiel. Two teams represented Crestwood in the 12 team field. Team Eisentraut, featuring Zach Halpern at lead, Amir Rafati at second, Aaron Greenspan at vice and Joseph Eisentraut at skip, played two nail biting games against Crescent and Montcrest. Team Siu, […]
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WHAT A NIGHT! The restaurant was at capacity with parents, staff, and an extremely funny magician on Thursday night at our annual FRIEND RAISER! It was a great night to connect with members of our community. Special thanks to everyone who helped make the night possible and such a fabulous success. The school, the Fabbrica team, the […]
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SAFETY FIRST Although we have Crossing Guards on duty before and after school, when you are driving through Crestwood Property we ask that you are especially cautious and vigilant. Please put safety first. Also, remember that students MUST be dropped off at the atrium before school in the morning. We ask that you take the […]
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It’s finally here! Next Thursday October 29th is our Parent Social at Fabbrica! Come on out–solo, with a friend, or with a spouse, and meet some new parents and teachers. There will be exciting raffle prizes, such as a weekend at Blue Mountain or a Mark Giordano signed Calgary Flames Hockey Jersey. Start time is 7pm, and we already checked, […]
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It’s finally here! Next Thursday October 29th is our Parent Social at Fabbrica! Come on out–solo, with a friend, or with a spouse, and meet some new parents and teachers. There will be exciting raffle prizes, such as a weekend at Blue Mountain or a Mark Giordano signed Calgary Flames Hockey Jersey. Start time is 7pm, and we already checked, […]
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A hobby is definitely a task that people revel in and all love. While for others, the curiosity is based on a variety of extreme-sports such as snowboarding down icy mountain slopes for a lot of, gathering postage stamps can be a pleasant hobby. Today whatever interest perhaps you are thinking about, it’s not […]
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The first parent social is Thursday October 29th at Fabbrica! This is sure to be a fun and exciting event, so don’t miss out! Please purchase your tickets ASAP. If you have any questions or have an item you’d like to donate as a raffle prize, please contact Wendy Lerner at Forms and payment can be dropped off […]
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In August the PA sent a package with our newsletter, forms, and information for the various ways parents can get involved and support the school community. These forms can always be found on Edsby. Every parent who has a child enrolled at the school is automatically part of the PA. When you complete and hand in […]
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Charles Butts was born in Woburn, Massachusetts in 1926. He spent his early years on the outskirts of Boston, growing up against the backdrop of the Great Depression. After graduating from high school, Charles attended Middlebury College, as he was given an educational deferment from the draft. He did end up in the U.S. Navy, but […]
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Roy Earle was born in 1924 in Montclair, New Jersey, and he grew nearby in the city of Bloomfield, where he graduated from high school in 1942. Knowing he would soon be drafted, he made the decision to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps in late 1942, eleven months after the U.S. joined the conflict. […]
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As a culminating event to our study of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, students in classes’ 6D and 6E presented a smorgasbord of scenes from the play. Each performance was delicately crafted and meticulously worked on. The presentations were incredible. Standing ovations for all. Very proud of my Elizabethan Players! ‘A Kingdom for a stage, Princes to act, and Monarchs […]
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Pete Gregerson served in Canada’s armed forces in both World War Two and Korea. Born and raised in the west end of Toronto, Pete grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression, attending public school and then Central Tech, where he studied to be a draftsman. Pete enlisted in the army as WW2 came […]
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Major T.J. (Tom) Goldie was born in Halifax, NS. After completion of high school he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and enjoyed several years serving as an Airframe Technician maintaining aircraft before being selected in 1999 for a military sponsored university training plan through which he completed his studies toward a Bachelor of […]
Read More… from Goldie, Tom On Monday, May 4, 2015 Crestwood hosted its 4th Veterans/Grandparents Breakfast. This annual event has evolved from a small gathering to a staple of the Crestwood calendar that takes place in the gym, with more than 140 grandparents, parents, and students in attendance. The guests of honour were the many Oral History Project interviewees […]
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Major Richard was born in Edmonton, Alberta in 1976. As a rural kid, he played the mandatory minor hockey until age 14 when he joined the Air Cadets and became hooked. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces as an Artillery Officer in 1994 under the Regular Officer Training Plan. He completed a degree in mechanical […]
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Don Morgan is a Canadian World War Two veteran who grew up in rural Ontario. When the time came to enlist, Don chose the air force, and after considerable training in different locations across Canada, he was ready to be a pilot. Further training in England ensued, and Don and his crew were ready to […]
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Crestwood’s Varsity Softball team had a dramatic, walk-off win May 3rd, to push their record to 2-1. The boys played well in the early going, but then ran into a dry spell offensively, and were behind by two runs going into the final inning. However, after loading the bases with no outs, Aaron Jackson came to the […]
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On Saturday, May 2nd students from grade 4, 5 and 6 offered their time to represent Crestwood at the 24th annual C.I.S. Junior Science Olympics hosted by Crescent School. There were representatives from 9 different schools in attendance. Representing Crestwood were: Grade 4’s Chiara Codron, Leila Agil & Willem Duyker. Grade 5’s: Tamara Nabulsi, William MacInnis & […]
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The Varsity Boys Softball team started the year in style, with an impressive 16-13 victory over Appleby College. The boys had an excellent effort all around, with timely hitting and effective defence. The attack was spearheaded by the timely hitting of Jonah Patel, David Hagon, and Andrew Edwards. Key to the offense was also the […]
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Fred Newton was born in Sarnia, Ontario in 1925. He attended Sarnia Collegiate Institute, and lived in ‘luxury’ throughout his childhood. In May of 1943, at the age of 18, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. After completing training he was stationed overseas but the whole draft was pulled in Halifax due to […]
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The Family Fun Day Raffle is a fun raising activity to support programs that directly benefit the Crestwood School community, including the Welcome Back BBQ, Family Fun Day, Scientist in the School program, Ipads for the classrooms, and the Winter Carnival. Last year, the raffle raised over $20,000, we are hoping this year we can […]
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Sophie Krausz is a delightful 73yr. old woman who has been living at the Terraces of Baycrest since 2012. Sophie was born in Russia two months after the Holocaust commenced. She lived in Poland for 13 years. Sophie came to Canada in 1958. Sophie was the only child in her family. The family emigrated from […]
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Mac Joyner was on May 24th, 1923 in Hamilton, Ontario. As a small child, he and his family moved all around North America, mainly in the southern United States, including California, Florida and Georgia. With all the moving, school life was quite difficult for Mac. After settling back into Canada, Mac grew up living the […]
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