The year…2026

An international effort is returning astronaut scientists to the Moon for the first time since the last Apollo mission in 1972. During Monday’s Grade 6 trip to the Ontario Science Centre, our students stepped into the “Mission to the Moon” simulation where they became astronauts working to establish a permanent lunar base.  Our students were tasked with guiding this mission from takeoff, to exiting Earth’s atmosphere, aligning with the moon’s orbit, launching an exploratory probe, and then landing on the moon. Students learned the value of collaboration and effective communication as they performed experiments, analyzed data and solved problems under high-pressure situations.  In addition to this unique and exciting experience, students also saw an IMAX movie and explored the museum’s exhibits.  The teachers would like to extend their thanks to Mr. Cooper for joining them on this field trip.  A great day was had by all!

-The Grade 6 Team