Celery Anyone?


On Monday, both 3B and 3C participated in a fun Science experiment. The students have been working hard on our ‘Plants and Soil’ Unit and loved the opportunity to do some hands-on learning.
During our experiment, the children investigated how plants absorb water and grow. We first made educated predictions and then watched the experiment unfold. We had to wait patiently for the results, as our celery needed to sit in the food colouring overnight.
As a result, we learned that plants absorb water through their roots through a process called transpiration. The water travels up tubes in the stems to all parts of the plants, and is used during photosynthesis to make food for the plant. When food coloring is added to the water, it travels with the water into the celery’s stem and then into the leaves. Plants also absorb nutrients from the soil through the roots and up through the phloem in the plant’s stems. The food coloring illustrates how nutrients are delivered to all parts of the plant.
Feel free to try this experiment at home.
Materials needed: 
  • Clear glass jars, cups or small clear vase
  • Fresh Celery stalks with leaves. Preferably the lighter leafier stalks near the center.
  • Water
  • Food Coloring
  • Separate and select stalks of celery with leaves. Cut about a quarter inch off the bottom. The lighter stalks near the center will show the most color.
  • Put about 8 ounces of water into a glass jar or vase.
  • Drop 3-4 drops of food coloring into the jar.
  • Place stalks into the water and stir very gently until food coloring is dispersed evenly.
  • Make a prediction about what will happen.
  • Make 2-3 observations and write them down. Check at intervals depending on availability, you will see slight results after 3 hours, significant results overnight and again at 48 hours.
  • Cut the bottom of the celery and you can see where the water was transported up into the celery stem.
Ms. Offman and Mrs. Parsons