

Dear Parents,

What a wild first week back at school! We were so thrilled we were able to welcome the students back to school, and with a fresh, thick coat of snow on the ground too! It was so wonderful to see the students back in their classrooms, with their friends, out at recess, and enjoying being together (at a distance).

Students are getting back into routine and have been superb at following our COVID policies and keeping everyone safe. Just a reminder to send lots of extra masks with your child each day, as their masks get wet when they wear them outside. As well, please make sure that your child has proper clothing for outdoor play and outdoor gym. Sometimes changing from boots to indoor shoes can result in socks getting wet, so please send an extra pair of socks for your child to keep at school/in their bag in case this happens.   

Thank you parents for helping us get EduSafe up and running. We appreciate your continued diligence in screening your child(ren) each day before they arrive at school. Any issues logging in, please contact Luke Connors (

The Primary division celebrated the 100th Day of School on Thursday.  Some of the activities included: sorting 100 items and counting them in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s; building a structure using 100 items;  finding/writing 100 words/numbers;  making necklaces with 100 items; recording 100 things you like, etc. Some children were heard saying that the 100th Day was the BEST day EVER! So much learning while having so much fun!

Despite today’s ZOOM learning day, we were still able to have our MS Readathon reading period this afternoon. Please remember to check out the MS Readathon website, and log the number of books your child has read. There are lots of fun activities on the website and please consider donating to this worthwhile cause. Website link: 

Looking ahead to next week, we have some changes to the calendar:

Tuesday, February 23rdPink Shirt Day – Your child is invited to wear a pink shirt (with any bottoms) to support Anti-Bullying

Wednesday, February 24thPicture Day – Please have your child come dressed in full uniform (polo shirts are acceptable)

Wednesday, February 24th Huddle Up Junior Assembly at 9 AM – The Huddle Up Organization will be leading a virtual assembly with our junior students about creating an environment of inclusivity and kindness.

We hope you all have a chance to get outside this weekend and enjoy the beautiful snow! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Amy Fuller & Sharon Liebenthal